
paper and fabric and wood...OH MY!

I tried out wood burning over the weekend- 50% off coupon at Joanns and a $30 "Versa Tool" creative wood burner= a new hobby for $15. Well- then must acquire wood- but you can buy little pieces for super cheap. Although I am going to have my dad send me some slices of wood from back home. I purchased my dad a wood burner from Amazon for Father's Day because he has been a huge wood crafter lately. Apparently spending hours out in his shop using one of his (yes he has multiple) wood lathes crafting up all kinds of awesomeness.

He made this for me upon my request- an oak log candle holder :)

(oh and he actually said this to me "I know you are all Los Angeles..Respect Your Mother...blah blah so I made this from an oak tree that fell during hurricane Ike. HA! my dad is so Texas- but he tries to understand)

This is just a hobby of his, he is a full time business owner of a water well drilling company back home in Texas but I think he has potential to make this wood lathing a profitable hobby. He actually drove out for a "visit" to California last summer- but really for the sole purpose of buying another wood lathe from someone out here, visiting his daughter was just an added bonus. Haha.

My crafting has gotten out of control and if I thought I had a medium problem in my last entry I suppose it has only increased, I'm just learning to roll with it. Lately it's been paper crafting (cutting):

 that I just started experimenting with weekend before last, a little fabric fusing:

(thanks to Sister Diane over at CraftyPod for this fun idea!)

and now wood crafting (burning):

My first official wood burn I made last night. I'm still figuring out all of the strokes and which tip does what, etc... I think I will watch a few videos on the internet to learn some real techniques.

 Ahhh. Lots of fun. I can't wait to start making jewelry and all kinds of things with the wood. I have been wanting to do that for a while now- with just painting in mind, but now- combining that with burning is twice as exciting!




Join the Colloquy!!!

So...as you may or may not have noticed- I changed the name of this blog. Not that Respect Your Mother was not a good name, it is after all the name of my business as well as an important statement- I just felt I needed to change the angle.

Alas, you are now visiting the Creative Colloquy blog. I chose the name because colloquy means a conversation, dialogue, or a conference and that is exactly what I would like this blog to be.

So, with that said, please DO feel free to comment and interact often, check in daily and email me with anything you think I may want to include or discuss in the blog. I would very much enjoy getting to know all of you out there with common interests!!

I also updated the design with the new options from blogger, not quite sure how I feel about it yet, any input?

The topic I would like to discuss tonight is something I'm currently struggling with. The medium war.

(Felt clip holder)

(Clay pendant)

(Fabric/Felt aromatheraputic hair clips)

(Glass tile pendant with vintage book text and felt)

No- my clay, fabric, felt, glass, etc... are not bombing one another. The war I speak of is purely internal and I'm thinking, completely useless and a waste of thought.

It's just that- sometimes I feel like "Am I betraying my clay right now?!?!" when I am playing with my fabric. And the fact that I started out making jewelry with my original Etsy shop. Oh my god I just realized TODAY is the 1 yr anniversary of my opening my Respect Your Mother shop on Etsy! Whoa. I should have totally had a sale or something. It kind of snuck up on me. Anyway. Interesting. So- I had never actually intended to do only jewelry when starting out with RYM but I think I sort of got addicted to making it so I stuck to it pretty seriously for a while. I remember always thinking, ok so when will I start working on the other things I have sketched out to make?? Some of the things I had made before opening my shop at the urging of others weren't even jewelry. They were shoes, well, altered shoes, and an altered shirt and some other things of that nature. As well as some clay pendants of course.

What I'm trying to say is, I haven't made jewelry in a while and I feel weird about it. Hahaha. But at the same time I'm starting to do a lot with fabrics and such and I am absolutely LOVING it and reallllly wanting to learn so much more on technique and skill.

For example, I whipped this up last night.

Another view...

I can't say I know what I am doing. But I recently learned about interfacing, fusible web, etc and got excited that there was a product to help stiffen the material. I have made 2 other pouch type things previously but this one is my favorite so far. I don't have the inside photographed but the problem is I just don't know how to finish off edges and what not!! The outside is linen, with a felt tree and a little polyfill inside of the tree for the dimensional feel. I think I will add something else to the opposite side. Maybe some poppies? I have a cute yellow gold floral fabric lining the inside, with the stiff interfacing fused in between.

I'm sort of going off a little internet researching, and the knowledge I gained as a little girl when my mother taught my sisters and I how to sew. So this was probably like 20 years ago or so. Oh and the Home Ec class I took freshman year of highschool. I got a second hand sewing machine for Christmas from my inlaws and when I pulled it out a while back I could NOT figure it out and it frustrated me so I put it away. I do think it might have an issue and need a repair, I SWEAR I was doing everything right but the thread would get tangled on the underside of the fabric. I need to take lessons. I ordered a used book on sewing technique online last night (only a dollar! heck yes!) from abe books.

Oh, and to continue with the dilema of "cheating" on certain mediums while spending time on others, I have the HippityClippity shop which is strictly hair clips, which by the way I can't even decide if I should sell ONLY childrens clips in their which was my original intention, and sell adult ones in my RYM shop or put all clips in HC?? But HC is such a kiddy name. Ahhh. See? I have decision making problems. Haha. Input is CERTAINLY welcome.

Anyway. Enough about that. There are HUGE problems going on and my internal war of mediums so completely trivial. Anyone living down near the gulf and have seen the oil spill first hand? I get so sad everytime I think about it. I feel so removed being all the way over here in California, but I am originally from and grew up in the Gulf area of Texas, between Houston and Galveston. Hey someone tell me what you think of this- I ran it by my husband and he said he didn't think it was good taste but I don't think he understands my point. I have earrings that I sell in my RYM shop, I Love the Earth Earrings, and a few weeks ago I thought about making a version of them that have an ugly black splash of paint in the area of the gulf, to really exaggerate on this terrible problem, like a political statement against the awful oil companies like BP, and donate ALL of the proceeds (minus the shipping cost) to the recovery down there. If I can't physically be there, I would atleast like to do my part. After all, the creation of RYM was not only to be inspired by the planet, but to help save it. I have been donating 1$ per sell to Greenpeace since the opening of my shop a year ago. It is my mission and passion to help this beautiful planet!! Anyhow- what do you think of that idea? Is it somehow in bad taste or do you understand my angle? Input please!!

Have a happy day/night!!
