Some things I’m loving right now in no particular order:
* Trader Joe’s Peaberry Coffee- grinding the beans and making at home. It’s helping me curb my addiction to buying coffee out. I used to spend SO much $ buying iced espresso 2x’s a day. Yep. So this is helping me with my new budget.
* My new life- working towards my goals and creating full time. Even though the new budget mentioned above limits from some luxuries my husband and I had gotten used to (going out to eat yummy breakfasts every weekend with soy lattes and mimosas and egg white scrambles, oh my! haha, dinner, lots o’ coffee, books, movies, etc.). Working full time for my self is totally worth it and eventually it will pay off and we can add the old luxuries back in little by little ;)
* Creating with wire. It’s fun. Also frustrating, but sometimes you create something new on accident that you like even better than originally planned. I like to switch my mediums up quite often but the past week or two I just keep picking up that wire even when I sit down to work with fabric.
* My early morning walks/yoga. It’s just the most beautiful way to start your day :)
* My city. I love Los Angeles. I’ve been living here for over 6 years but I still find something new every day and I love that. I was in Echo Park the other day and I hadn’t been over there in a while and I fell in love with it all over again. I also recently got acquainted with the fabric/fashion/jewelry district in downtown where there are TONS of places to buy supplies at discounted wholesale type prices. Thanks Mark Montano for introducing me to that area!
* My husband doing this silly dance in the doorway of the living room. I make him do it often to make me giggle. It’s hilarious! I would post a picture of it but I think he would have me killed ;)
Now I invite you to list what you love right now, whether in the comments or create a blog post and share the link here. Let’s spread the vibration of LOVE around as its the highest vibration and great for manifesting MORE of what we love. Ready, set, GO!