
Is it only Wednesday? Hmm.

I got off of work a little early today so to take advantage of the extra time I decided to work on some product photos. A few that had not yet been photographed and some that needed some serious re-photographing.

I just worked on these the other night- they will probably be used as center pieces for more of my brooches mentioned here. I absolutely LOVE working with the pressed flowers/leaves again. I'm almost out so I picked some more flowers and leaves to press yesterday while out on a walk :)

I had actually forgotten about this pendant I made earlier this spring I believe. Its an earth made with white, blue, and green polymer clay attached to a circular glass tile. I didn't have my new camera at the time I made it so the photos needed an upgrade!

I made this wood burning semi recently and originally attached a hair comb to the back to wear in your hair but it just didn't quite work out the way I had hoped so I removed it and experimented around a bit and ended up taking a small strip of fabric and drilling tiny screws to secure it. Quite fun actually!

Anyway now it can be more versatile:

(click this one to see it enlarged for better detail!)

And around the neck:



1 comment:

  1. oh i love that! i'm putting a pyrography iron on my christmas list now!


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