

Well, it's back to work tomorrow after having 4 days off. I can't say I accomplished as much as I wanted to but I did get a few things done :)

I finally got my first batch packaged up and it's now en route to Texas to my mother in law's Boutique, The Fashion Shop.

Me displaying how one could also use one of the brooches- by pinning it to a ribbon/headband/etc.

Yesterday I worked on dissecting some of the old jewelry Matt's mom sent me recently. Really fun. Tedious but so worth it. Note the essentials. (Tissues and Iced Espresso)

This ring almost looks like it was made from the fabric of the top I was wearing.

My version of modeling rings- I hate my hands. Or my "Creepy E.T. fingers" As my little sister affectionately calls them.

One of the many brooches :)

And last but not least- me having a genuine sneeze- I was planning to just take a shot of me looking pathetic from my "allergy day" and then I sneezed. Perfectly suites the day I had yesterday. It was MISERABLE. I probably sneezed 1000 times. The reward my body gives me for cleaning and organizing the house.

Ta daaaa.

1 comment:

  1. you need a new hand model. Them hands are careeepy.


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