
New Routine

So it's day 3 of my new position as self employed artisan. I've gotta say, I'm loving it however I am still working on getting into my groove. I'm trying to use the first week or so just really organizing my craft area and supplies in order to streamline my productivity.

 I've been waking up between 6 and 6:30 which I LOVE to get the day going like that. Maybe I should even wake up earlier. Yesterday I went on a walk first thing around the beautiful reservoir in my neighborhood and this morning I did some yoga in my livingroom. Such a wonderful way to start the day! Then came back to make coffee and have some toast and take my husband to work. It's nice.

(I took this yesterday morning- sun coming up over the hill and a tractor mowing the grass at the park)

 I spent a large part of the day adding new listings to my Etsy shop that I hadn't gotten around to before so that's good.

(a precious little floral mini tote, available HERE)

I think I will need to pre-structure my days in order to get the most out of them. I'm also thinking maybe planning a weekly blog perhaps even with tutorials and such.

So to all of you self employed artists out there, I am accepting any advice you may have as to keeping yourself streamlined/efficient/productive. It would be much appreciated :)


Julie ooolie oooh (that's how my Grandma addresses me in birthday cards. hilarious!)


  1. I just found you via facebook.I loved how creative you were not only with the actual piece you created but also with the placing of the piece in nature and photographing it.I would love to be a self employed artist.How did you get to this point? Ive considered etsy as a way to get myself out there but its a scary step.I also have not had a lot of creating time.Before you became self employed did you block out time to create? Any advice you may have for an up and coming artist would be appreciated:)

  2. Hi Julie,
    Was great to read this post (the first time I've stumbled across you) as I have been thinking I need to create some kind of new routine/daily schedule to be more efficient and productive myself. I'd love to hear more about what you are doing and will probably post something about my plan - when I create it! Goodluck and thanks for the inspiration to get on with it!


Comments = Colloquy = Yes please :)